Miss Anna's Class READS
Most aspects of phonemic awareness are learned and tested audibly. For instance, children must LISTEN to a word in order to figure out how many syllables it has. They have to LISTEN to a word to know what the beginning sound is. They have to LISTEN for the middle and ending sounds, as...
To Whom It May Concern:
Children cannot just learn the letter sounds, decode letters and be long-term successful in reading and spelling. It seems like that is all it should take. However, studies show (and experience shows) that children must learn the relationship that sounds have to...
Every once in a while I get a blank stare when I tell other educators that I teach my preschoolers to identify the letters ONLY by their sound at the beginning. Some are annoyed. Some strongly disagree. This is WHY I do it: I am teaching 3, 4, and 5 year olds. My goal is to have them...